Hoe kunnen we (online) polarisatie invoelbaar maken voor jongeren tussen de 18 – 24?
Met deze vraag begon dit ontwerpend onderzoek. Op onderstaande pagina’s highlight ik de meest inzichtgevende vondsten en de design keuzes die ik daarbij heb gemaakt in de iteraties van mijn ontwerpen die uiteindelijk geleid hebben tot het project Polaris.
– Polarisatie is geen conflict
– Polarisatie is een gevoelsdynamiek
– In Group – Out Group
– De pushers, joiners en het stille midden
– Rollen en opdrachten
– Als je beweegt sta je open
– Echo’s en Eilanden (echochambers en lord of the flies) – de media
– Fases en mogelijke verbinding
– Verbeelding vs Collectieve verbeelding
– De strijd om aandacht
– Ratio en gevoel
– De soorten polarisatie
– Zichtbaarheid
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Terug naar het nu gesprek
Reflectie na afloop
reactie 1
reactie 2
Theoretische en experts over de dynamiek van wij zij denken.
Vertaald in Game
Design research findings / bevindingen
Nieuwe vragen / hypotheses
Wisselwerking met experts om te duiden en input om te toetsen. Samenwerking aangaan met werkgroep Polarisatie UvA
_Spaces for
_Play & Research
_Collective Imagination
_Collective Research
De fysieke ruimte
Twee speelvelden:
1. de alledaagse gang van zaken & simulatie
2. de status quo
Afbeelding van de ‘battle’
De speelruimte: Regels & Kaders
Afbeelding assets
De speelruimte: Persoonlijke ruimte vs groepsruimte
De ruimte voor verbeelding
Workshops & Toolkits
Safe space
Design keuze: Met elkaar het verhaal maken, focus op een gezamenlijke beleving.
In de battle, in de gesprekken in de wijk. De beleving die de groep samen heeft.
Ik denk dat dit het begin kan zijn van een langdurige praktijk waarin de ervaringen die ik nu heb opgedaan met polarisatie kan worden toegepast op andere sociale dynamieken.
De volgende stappen zijn dan ook om te onderzoeken of mijn werk kan worden ingezet voor simulatiedoeleinden van sociaal onderzoek.
Toekomst breder trekken van onderwerp. Het met elkaar beleven van een toekomstscenario.
De biebshow voorbeeld.
Polaris is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met Jennifer van Exel, veranderkundige en serious game developer. In onze samenwerking ben ik de ontwerper van de ervaring, met het scenario, de verhaallijnen, de beelden en het ontwerp van het spel. Jennifer kijkt met haar blik op gedragsverandering en brengt de dynamiek in het spel door middel van het ontwerpen van de game mechanismen. Hoe win je, wat zijn de triggers waardoor het spel leuk wordt, hoe zit het met puntentelling, wat zijn de consequenties? Deze verwerken we dan samen in de stappen die de spelers doorlopen. We faciliteren samen de sessies met de groepen, interviewen experts en verwerken dat wat we leren in het spel.
Status: Op dit moment hebben we een werkend prototype. Het spel is met groepen van 15 mensen te spelen op aanvraag. En we zijn aan het finetunen om met verschillende toepassingen te spelen. De ontwikkeling van het spel is gedaan met behulp van een pionierssubsidie van het SIDN Fonds. Daarmee konden we experts en ontwikkelkosten betalen. Op dit moment zijn we op zoek naar financiering en opdrachtgevers om het spel ook daadwerkelijk te produceren.
- Speelsessie met experts.
- Hoe gaan we het faciliteren, veiligheid
- Je kunt niet zomaar een conflict oproepen
- Het spelen van rollen en inleven in de ander zou kunnen werken
- In en Out group
- Speelsessie met transformatie studenten HvA
- Speelsessie studenten van de UvA (politicologie, social studies, psychologie en communicatie)
- Presentatie op de Gamedidaktiek beurs in Utrecht (HvU)
- Docenten: mijn klas polariseerd en ik kan er niets mee als wiskundeleraar.
- Niet alle docenten zijn in staat om dit te faciliteren. Hoe zorg je dat de klas niet ontspoord. Je kunt dit niet met iedere klas spelen.
- De tijd die nodig is om te spelen is er vaak niet in een les
- In de toolkit wil ik terugzien wat ik kan doen om te de-escaleren
- Speelsessie met studenten transformative design WDKA
- Speelsessie met beleidsmakers, strategen en ambtenaren van de Gemeente Almere
Theorie. De theorieen die we aanhangen: Brandsma, KiS, Lord of the Flies. Echochambers, Contacttheorie, Dilemma logica.
Bevindingen en vertaling in game dynamieken.
Design keuzes:
- wijken in de stad. Door vier wijken te maken met ieder een eigen ‘sfeer’ (wonen en dagelijkse behoeften, uitgaan en recreatie, werken en bedrijven, zorg en groen).
- Het speelveld
- Schaarse goederen van aandacht, geld en reistijd
- Depolariserende strategieeen
- Nationaal Bruto Geluk
- events op meta, meso, micro niveau
- Neutrale rollen toevoegen
- De influencers, de media en de burgemeesters de journalist
- Fake news
- De rivier (de ramp)
- De verkiezingen
- Toepassingen en faciliteren
Het spel is met drie groepen studenten gespeeld. En het was niet eenvoudig om een groep studenten bij elkaar te krijgen. Ik heb een aantal gesprekken gevoerd met docenten bij de HvA en UvA om te kijken of we het als onderdeel van een curriculum kunnen spelen, maar ook dat bleek niet zo voor de hand liggend te zijn.
Om te polariseren is er een dilemma nodig (brandsma) en een investment. Han van der Meer.
Paradox in het spel: gemeenschappelijke grond, gezamenlijk doel, inleven in een ander. Ontwerpfout?
Spelers vinden niet dat ze gepolariseerd zijn, ze zijn eigenlijk heel blij dat de samen de stad gerund krijgen. Toch herkennen ze wel de groepsdruk en dan met name in de battles.
Op dit moment staan we voor de vraag: moeten we de spelers meer polariseren om zo het gevoel van polarisatie voelbaar te maken? De eerstvolgende iteratie gepland in juni met deelnemers uit verschillende overheden in de masterclass Polarisatie van de UvA proberen we om de spelers te laten starten vanuit een gepolariseerde situatie en hen middelen aan te reiken om depolariserende technieken uit te spelen. Deze middelen bestaan uit de eerder genoemde depolarisatiekaarten en het inzetten van de groepen en neutrale personages in het spel (de wijkagent, sociaal werker en de journalist)
Reacties van spelers laten zien.
Geluidsfragmenten van de battles.
Journalist verslag.
In tegenstelling tot wat veel mensen denken is polarisatie niet hetzelfde als conflict of een meningsverschil tussen groepen mensen. Polarisatie is altijd aanwezig en is de dynamiek van het wij-zij denken. Waarbij we onze eigen groep beter vinden dan de andere groep.
Polarisatie is een gezond onderdeel van onze samenleving en onze democratie. Als niemand ooit op zou staan om te zeggen: Het moet anders! Dan zou er nooit iets veranderen. Een diversiteit aan meningen zorgt voor een gezonde samenleving. En als we af en toe van mening verschillen is dat goed.
Polarisatie wordt pas ongewenst als er geen ruimte meer is voor gesprek. Als we elkaar en het onderwerp gaan vermijden.
Afbeelding van gepolariserende groepen.
[Bronnen toevoegen]
De meest voor de hand liggende methode om polarisatie te onderzoeken is misschien wel om een gepolariseerde situatie te simuleren.
Als ontwerper kies ik er bewust voor om dat niet te doen.
Ik zie mijzelf niet als iemand die conflict opzoekt of aanwakkert, maar eerder als iemand die bijdraagt aan verbinding en begrip.
In eerste instantie zocht ik een manier om met ontwerp als bruggenbouwer te fungeren tussen twee polen. Door de twee conflicterende meningen bij elkaar te brengen. Waarbij de scripts en illustraties als aanjager van dialoog dienen.
Door het vermijden van conflict ontstaat er naar mijn idee ook meer ruimte voor onderzoek naar alternatieven die je in de negatieve ruimte van conflict niet makkelijk vindt, omdat mensen dan meer bezig zijn met overtuigen dan met luisteren.
Veilige ruimte
Een andere belangrijke reden om het conflict uit de weg te gaan was een voorzichtigheid, waarbij ik als ontwerper geen ervaring en middelen heb om conflicten te managen. Ik wilde de participanten een veilige plek bieden om polariserende onderwerpen te bespreken.
In de eerste iteraties maakte ik een script en een aantal door AI gegenereerde beelden van een mogelijke toekomst. De invulling van de beelden en de daarbij behorende wereld liet ik aan de participanten over. De idee was om met deze elementen een waardevol gesprek te kunnen voeren over een gepolariseerd onderwerp.
Wat is een waardevol gesprek?
En hoe kan ik met fictie een veilige ruimte maken om het over polariserende onderwerpen te hebben? [verder uitwerken]
2 personen
20 minuten
1. Lees de introtekst
2. Neem een contextkaart (zie hierboven)
3. Neem een script (zie hierboven achterzijde 2 voorbeelden)
- Ieder beeld werd gegenereerd door een AI prompt (dallE of Midjourney) en werd in eerste instantie als dystopisch ervaren. Het meest gekozen beeld was waar mensen in een straat lijken te tuinieren. Tijdens de gesprekken werden de verklaringen en de manier waarop de wereld werd beschreven echter steeds positiever.
- Het script was te sturend waardoor het als drempel werd ervaren om echt het gesprek aan te gaan.
- De participanten weken al gauw van het script af en begonnen het gesprek zelf in te richten.
- De tijdsbeleving was non-lineair. Het ging van het verleden, naar het heden, naar de toekomst.
- Er ontstond een moment waarin, in rust gesproken kon worden over onderwerpen als de vluchtelingen crisis en hoe we met elkaar om gaan in een straat.
- Participanten zijn heel goed in staat om zelf te verbeelden. Er is alleen een beeld nodig, een korte introductie van wat er wordt verwacht en een startpunt nodig. Scripts hoeven niet helemaal te worden uitgeschreven. Dat werkt zelfs de verbeelding tegen.
- De tijd waarin een gebeurtenis plaatsvindt is niet perse relevant, onderwerpen die in de toekomst plaatsvinden worden naar het heden getrokken en men is bezig om vanuit een verleden dat men kent te verklaren waar het vandaan komt.
- De iteratie was meer een oefening in verbeelding dan een waardevol gesprek. Het ging voornamelijk over nieuwsgierigheid, openheid en voorstellingsvermogen.
video van brandsma en complexiteit van het invoelbaar maken. Opgelost met een touwtje.
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
De polen, de bruggenbouwer, de joiners, het midden en de zondebok.
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
De rol van informatie. Echo chambers en lord of the flies. De discrepantie tussen realiteit en perceptie.
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
hebben we het over affectieve, verticale of horizontale polarisatie?
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
Versterking van het midden. Zolang je geen standpunt inneemt. Weg terug voor de joiners.
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
empatie, inlevingsvermogen en contact en common ground
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
Welke rol vervul je? Als individu en in een groep. Waar heb je mee te dealen, is dat voor een ander ook goed? Inleven in de ander door een rol in te nemen.
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
gemeenschappelijk doel – rollen en empathie – mensen willen helemaal niet polariseren – het is een heel lang proces.
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
De verbeelding als preventie en de-polarisatie
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.
lans voor collectieve verbeelding. Wat gebeurt er als ewe samen iets maken. Common ground, nieuwe narratieven?
2112... Happy new year. We are still here.
Who knew that soon after the enigmatic 20-ies, we would float here in our mother sea. Above the village we could have been born in. Let us toast to the spirits of our ancestors and commemorate the X, the Millenials, the Z's and the Alphas who guided us through the hardships of the great transition.
The 2023 elections made one thing clear... people did not believe in the future. They preferred to go back. Back to a time when didn't have to worry about worldly challenges. Back to a normal world, when a boy was just a boy, climate change was nothing more than a wet summer or a cold winter. The government took care of you and frequent flying or using animals for consumption was nothing to be ashamed of.
We were simply not able to imagine a future where sharing was the common value and feeling humble towards other living beings and the earth was common ground.
Transformation 2023-2030
It is hard to tell what started the change. Perhaps it was the floods that were becoming more frequent. The number of people who left because they were not able to afford housing. The amount of refugees. The wars...
It took a while before we realised they were all connected, and that the 2027 installed waterwall to keep everyone out was not the answer. The Netherlands was like an anthill collapsing, everyone looking for a foothold to find a way back to the group, to a group.
The Moonshield that Nasa installed in 2030 bought us extra time, do you remember how our ancestors were all glued to their devices? They realised that even though we humans were in the midst of a collapse, there was still a chance to change.
We realised that the global and national governments were not going to provide the answer, neither would companies and technology.
From neighbourhoods new tribes emerged and people found eachother in local settings. Growing new connections from the roots, people found each other on shared values. Creating new spaces for connecting, on and offline.
Constructs of stories proved untrue and our believes faltered. It started with AI, the rewriting of books, the endless discussions on social media. It was not long before most sources of information became unreliable. What we saw and heard was not necessarily true.
Arguments and facts diminished in value.
The Homo Imaginatus
To know whether something was true or not, we fell back on our touch, smell and taste. And our empathy... we discovered that it did not matter whether something was true or not, but that our feelings together with the story we constructed in our heads, determined how we behaved. Towards ourselves, each other and our environment.
The homo imaginatus was born.