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Future Memories

A game format merging collective imagination with systemic constellations

Duration: 2 hrs.
Number of players: >10

Aim of the game

  • Creating a physical representation of a dilemma
  • Visualise the chosen solutions
  • Reveil the invisible solutions in the middle
  • Giving voice to the centre
  • Making affective polarisation tangible
  • Understanding own actions in relation to group actions

In co-creation and co-facilitation with Holistic Life Coaching - Demian Burgenik

The story

The story can be customised to your own practise and the future you wish to explore. In this case the theme is focused on polarisation in a future where the Netherlands are taken by the sea. But if you wish to explore polarisation in a future where we for example only communicate in VR or in the midst of a pandemic, that is also possible.

The space


On the floor there is a rope. This is your island..
On entering the island you play as a citizen
This is me, the gamemaster. I make sure you feel at home on here and take you through the history and the here and now of our island. I also report on any dilemma that comes our way. This may be a dilemma you want to explore or one I have created.


This is Demian, your facilitator who sets up the system and the dilemma.
He circles around the island questions the players about their choices and position in the field.

Afterwards, he guides the players in rounding off and evaluation. What happened? Why do we think that happened?

Next, the gamemaster takes over and starts working with the players on the steps needed to formulate what we take away as goals in the real world.


This is you citizen of this island. You can play as yourself or choose to play in character.

The player can be someone who works at a municipality, studies, works in an organisation or is part of another group.

A diverse group of players is most effective in achieving an inclusive story.

The process

As the inhabitants slowly get used to their island and settle in, enjoying the calm sea air and bird sounds, meeting each other, they are disrupted by a news alert.

The challenge

Challenges can be created and customised on request to fit the real life situation of the players

The citizens are being confronted with a dilemma.


Depending on time and requests from the group this dilemma should preferably come from the players. In order question what the real dilemmas are in this event.


Constellation: What do you do?

If you can’t make a choice yet, keep moving. If you do choose, stay still.

Why did you make this choice?

Why do you keep moving?

Do you start having doubts? Then start walking again.


Join the ones who made the same choice

Talk about what is happening, are you still happy with your choice and why? How does it feel not to choose? Are there any alternatives? This is where we play with the dilemma. And feel how this polarisation affects us.

The roundup

In this part of the experience, we go deeper into the why and consequenses of our story. We talk about how it felt to be on the position of the pusher, the joiner or the middle.

  • Was there a bridge builder?
  • Who became the scapegoat? 
  • What happened that was unexpected?
  • What was beautiful?
  • What do we fish for ourselves in this future and for our children?
  • What do we keep and what do we leave in the fiction?
  • And what can we do today to make this future a reality or (in case of a dystopic situation) keep from happening.