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What if…


Or an island...

Or the only city on that island ...

Who would live there?

How does it feel? How do we talk about it? What does it mean to different people? How does it change our behaviour and interpersonal relationships?

What do we want, what don’t we want and what are the consequences of this on our local community?

The above workshop designs are the result of design research into the dynamics of us-versus-them thinking, or polarisation.

They are part of an ongoing exploration into making social dynamics understandable and tangible by using collective imagination as a designtool.

This research on polarisation is a first step into developing a method of using storytelling, speculative design and transformative play to create a space for collective imagination.

Future scenarios are often focused on society as a whole, on technological innovations or system change. But rarely does it consider what major changes do to our local societies and you and me as individuals living our day to day life in that society. And especially how they affect our interrelationships with others and the immediate environment.

With the experiences and game forms designed to make the social dynamics of the We-Them thinking tangible, various groups of players make future memories that can then be used to take into account for more inclusive future narrative.